Monika Glasl with Land-Art in Vättis
The bavarian artist
Monika Glasl
with her husband Anton did a project in the forest near the lower
cable car station. What at first glance looks like a random collection of
white marks on the tree trunks, shows itself as a complete sketch
depending on the curiosity of the visitor who moves around trying to
understand what he or she is seeing. The title „Chaos und die ewige
Suche nach dem Sinn“ (chaos and the eternal search for meaning) fits.
The project will stay visible for at least a couple of years.
During her stay, Monika Glasl gave a presentation about her take on art
in and with nature. She stimulated the personal creativity of the
attendees and their desire to experiment for themselves.
The association invited the artist and organised the project. The
project was supported by the village council and private sponsors.
Earlier project by the association